Sanskrit is very old. Historians date from before 1500 BC. Originally a language used for the Hindu religion, and later expanded to real Indian courts, and eventually found its way into everyday use. Today, the only Sanskrit is used in Hindu and Buddhist religions. In this sense, the actions of Sanskrit the same fate as America.
Is Sanskrit tattoo designs exist in ancient India? Nobody knows now. However, we know that henna temporary tattoos have been used by women in India and the Middle East for many hundreds of years, and we also know that India was very technologically advanced in antiquity (India was a producer and exporter of steel high quality in Europe could only produce low-grade iron). Therefore, it is quite possible that the Indians already had tattoos on his distant history.
Formally, the tattoos are a taboo in Hinduism. In this regard it is similar to other major world religions. Moreover, only the priests still learn Sanskrit. You could walk past the common man in any street Indian Sanskrit tattoos and none of them would be able to read what it says.
In the U.S., polls show that 17% of the population has at least one tattoo. While you probably will not see a judge, lawyer or banker wearing a tattoo, they are easy prey for almost anyone.
How Tattoos became popular?
Why did tattoos become so widely accepted? In part because of technological advances. In the past, tattoo parlors were dark, dirty and poorly lit places underground burrows very similar game. Tattoo johnnies uses the same needle for all, and rarely sterilized needles. Today, we have professional studios tattoo with high-tech equipment and needles are used only once and then discarded. In some places, getting a tattoo is like going to a haircut or beauty makeup – so great is the change in the image of tattoos.
The Internet is another factor. People do not accept what we do not know. But now, anyone can find out all you want about tattoos doing a simple internet search. There is nothing to fear no longer. The Internet also allows people to find good tattoo art. You can find and download almost any type of tattoo flash today – anything from a Sanskrit tattoo designs tribal tattoos tattoo art fantasy as fairies and dragons. You are no longer limited to what can johnny tattoo design in their living room.
But maybe Hollywood has been the biggest influence. Film and television stars have been getting tattoos and showing in recent years. Jessica Alba has a wrist tattoo of a lotus flower in Sanskrit (Padma). Gillian Anderson (X Files) also has a wrist tattoo with the word “every day” in Sanskrit.
Sanskrit tattoo designs in the wrist
At the wrist, you can have a tattoo on the top, inside or around the entire circumference.
At the top of the wrist or the inside of your wrist, you may only have a Sanskrit character or image. Good design and popular is the symbol of Om – a powerful symbol that is one of the sounds that created the universe. It looks good and mystical, and is completely black and white.
Or you could get a tattoo lotus flower like Jessica Alba. You can make a symbolic lotus flower that looks like the mandalas used for meditation Yoga. Unlike tattoo Om Sanskrit, Padma lotus flower is bright and colorful. Spiritually, the lotus flower represents rising above the masses – like the lotus has its roots under water even in the mud and the beautiful flowers above the water surface.
Around the circumference of the wrist, Sanskrit tattoo designs are not really suitable for a bracelet tattoo traditional thickness. However, Sanskrit alphabets are suitable for tattoos thin cuff bracelets called permanent. Sanskrit alphabets have horizontal bars at the top and bottom.