Temporary Tattoos Vs Permanent Ink - Why Bother?

If you have been to the local tattoo parlor and have seen hundreds of designs but have not yet decided yet on what to have, there is a good chance you will regret getting a tattoo in the end. The decision to have a permanent tattoo should NOT be taken lightly, nor instantaneously, and should not be taken spontaneously either! (How's that for $.25 words, as we say down South.) You have to have an idea really well thought about before plunging in and just getting any random tattoo design that will tickle your fancy. As time goes by you might see a lot of new designs and will constantly ask yourself why did you choose just any design when you could have tried getting temporary tattoos first rather than having a permanent one.

Temporary tattoos give you more choices and the freedom to remove it anytime when there comes a time that you actually get tired of it. The tattoos are very cheap and you can have one every time the old fades out or vanishes, and the best part of it is you will never have any pain, and I mean that. The tattoo may fade out in a span of many days but you can just buy the same design and put it right back where you want it done and nobody will ever know the difference.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not in any way discriminating against permanent tattoos at all. It's just better to be more secure with your decision and that is why I mention an option that is just as good but may not last that long unlike those tats that are inked actually under your skin. If you are worrying that you might be made fun of by your friends if you just have temporary tattoos, then the reason you want to get one may not be valid. And do not tell me I didn't warn you when you add a few (ha!) more dollars getting it removed or replaced after a few years.

You may also like to ask yourself if you are ready for the physical, emotional and mental pain. The pain isn't to be taken lightly, either, especially on those areas that has a prominent bone. That's part of what makes tattooing so special is that it takes actual sacrifice to achieve the beauty afterwards.

One final point - Amazon.com has a TON of temporary tattoos at extremely moderate prices. Just the other day, I bought about fifteen different booklets at only $1.50 (US) each with everything from glow in the dark tattoos, to ones with sparkles, Celtic tattoos, henna tattoos, fairy tattoos, dragon tattoos and even sleeve and bracelet tattoos, you name it. Hey, they were for more wife! And she loves them. Of course, I like putting them on her - so take the opportunity, even if you don't want to get a permanent tattoo to get a temporary one that can add a little "spark" to your relationship as well.