In Christian art and culture, skulls symbolize eternity, repentance and human vanity. A skull with a serpent crawling through the eye sockets is understood as a representation of immortality as well as knowledge. But more importantly, the skull itself is seen as a sign of triumph. In times of battle, it is common for Lords to request the head of the person they wish to see dead. The reason for the decapitation of the head is to show solid proof that the person is in fact dead, and it also displays power and superiority while bringing fear to the public.
In ancient times, the skull symbolized great change rather than death or danger. In the present day, skulls have adapted the negative light because the greatest change a person can have in their lifetime is death. But do not let death or other negative resemblances scare you away from getting a skull tattoo as there is a more positive spin on the meaning. Skull tattoos can also be seen as a symbol for protection, strength, and power. Skulls can also be used to represent a time when you overcame a tragedy or obstacle which shows your strength and determination as a person. But above all, the image of a skull makes you look tough.